CLOSED - Part Two: Circles From the Start: The Possibilities and Promises of Meaningful IEPs

ID number
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM

Disability or Human Difference? Label with Extreme Caution.

Disability is diversity. This session will help to re-examine the concept of disability, label, the construct of normalcy, and develop a broader view of disability as a form of diversity. We will learn to presume competence and how to analyze and remove stressors that are the real reason children may struggle to learn or development may have stalled. Here is where we also begin the do's and don'ts of report writing and demonstrate what makes a great IEP.

Learner objectives

Attendees will:

1. Explore the purposes of the IEP and determine a good present level of performance

2. Re-examine the concept of disability vs. human difference.

3. Examine data collection for purpose and manageability.

4. Explore strategies to differentiate instruction for ALL learners.

Intended audience
Administrator, Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist, Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech/Language Therapist
Contact hours
Gateways training stage
Training topic area
Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Observation, Evaluation & Documentation, Special Needs/Inclusion
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Curriculum or Program Design