Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment-2: Ironing Out the Wrinkles

ID number
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
9:45 am – 10:00 am

Are you using Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment 2 in your program but want to refine your knowledge base on this assessment tool? The most common questions about TPBA2 are related to the use of the Age Tables, play facilitation, timing and teaming. These issues and others will be reviewed in this webinar.

Learner objectives
  • Use the TPBA Age Tables, taking into consideration, language, experience, and culture.
  • Describe what “follow the child’s lead” actually means in a TPBA2 assessment and how the facilitation links to intervention planning.
  • Gain information about how to shorten the assessment process when time is issue.
  • Discover how to maximize the use of team input to provide the most effective and efficient process.
Intended audience
Administrator, Early Childhood Special and General Educator
Contact hours
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Observation, Evaluation & Documentation
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Observation and Assessment