Children, Trauma and Behavior

ID number
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
9:45 am - 10:00 am

This presentation will examine the impact of childhood exposure to interpersonal violence and other forms of psychiatric trauma as it relates to enhanced developmentally appropriate sensitive and targeted assessment and related intervention.


This webinar contains identical content to a webinar offered by STAR NET Region IV on March 26 which was titled: "Brain and Behavior Correlates of Children Exposed to Interpersonal Violence and Other Forms of Psychiatric Trauma." 

Learner objectives
  • Examine the impact of trauma on various regulatory regions of the brain
  • Identify the related behaviors that may be exhibited related to the interaction of trauma and brain response
  • Determine developmentally appropriate sensitive and targeted interventions for self-soothing and adaptive behavioral functioning.
Intended audience
Administrator, Early Childhood Special and General Educator
Contact hours
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Health, Safety and Well-Being